SOLD…and as @lizzobeeating would say, “About Damn Time!!!” 🎧

…This particular listing had it all. A seller, overseas, communicating with me on a 12-hour time difference. Tenants, gainfully 100K+ earners (each) taking advantage of LTB delays by refusing to communicate or move out until court-ordered to & sabotaging showings by keeping the property as messy as possible. (If this sounds like tenant hate, it isn’t. Not by a long shot. My beef is the entitlement of tenants like these ones who have no empathy for another’s hard-sought investment.) In the span of 8 months we got stupid verbal offers, insulting written offers, solds that became mutual releases, solds that were left to die when the buyer’s agent attempted mortgage fraud, and solds that couldn’t come together because corporations can’t owner-occupy. Don’t forget the yoga and meditation — because both seller and I leaned on these tools to manage the BS. 🧘

Turns out patience, persistence, communication and teamwork with a helluva good paralegal are key in situations like these. I could not be more grateful for the sold firm that we slapped on this one over the weekend.

Thinking about selling a tenanted property!? I now charge 7% (JJ 🤣).